Tools for the mind

25 daily exercises for the generation of creative habits that will awaken your skills and help you see obstacles from a different angle. Based and structured with teaching and field experience, both at an educational and business level.


Created in 2011 by Pablo Terán Herrera.


Applied by schools, universities, public and private institutions with incredible results.


Are you ready to wear the creative habit?

Boost your



creative habits

Change in

21 days

Unlock your


Brain Book One is a creative workbook that offers you 25 days of creative challenges, challenges, intertwined syllogisms, which, together with the breaking of conventions in graphic layout, order and spelling, will allow you to break mental paradigms, and will help you to advance until you reach your creative potential, causing radical changes in your daily actions and decisions, in all areas of your life.

Brainbook 1


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