
Pablo Terán

Author of the Brain Book

Creator and Facilitator of the Brainbook® Methodology and author of the books Brain Book 1, 2 and Scribbles.


CEO - President of TERAN Brand & Co. with presence in Ecuador, New York and Miami. CEO - Manager. Founder at Pablo Teran Company.


Creative advertising with more than 22 years of experience working for multinational Advertising Agencies as Creative Director, has managed accounts such as Marlboro, Coca-Cola, Movistar, Bank of the Pacific, Pronaca, Bioalimentar, Ferrero, among others nationally and internationally.


Creator of the Creativecamp workshop, aimed at students, entrepreneurs, professionals and businessmen, with the aim of reaching a level of creativity based on the use of the senses.


As a teacher, she has taught creativity and innovation classes to more than 300 students in several universities in Ecuador, Miami, Bolivia and Colombia. He has dictated and created several innovation workshops for companies of the caliber of Plasticaucho Ecuador, Mccann Erickson, Mindshare, Bioalimentar, Pronaca, Proesa.


Winner of advertising excellence awards:


· 22 Gold Condors in Ecuador

· Creative ONE Pencil New York

· Creativity Show England

· Best of Desing IFA Netherlands

· High Flight Advertising in the Marka Registered Magazine.

· Platinum at the Creativity Show New York


Musician co-author of several musical productions with groups such as: Carbon 14, Lonely Lady, Kiss & Bite, Crossfire.


He founded his own studio of creativity, packaging and branding in 2002, managing to create more than 2000 brands and more than 1,000 packages for mass and industrial consumer products.

William Villacis

TTT - Train the Trainers Brain Book®

William Villacis

Business manager with 19 years of experience in business management in shopping centers nationwide.


Founder of the chain of services and technological solutions RDS entertainment.


Certified facilitator of the LEGO® Serious Play® methodology and POINTS OF YOU®.


Consultant in creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship focuses his work on the development of user experience, work environment, process development, continuous improvement, agile project management and disruptive thinking for the development of solutions.


In public institutions, he has served as Zone Director and National Director of Training Processes in the Ecuadorian Service of Professional Training SECAP, Coordinator of the Employment Network of the Ministry of Labor and Hospital Administrative Director of the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security IESS.


He has participated as a mentor and judge of events of Startup Weekend and Hult Prize focused on the development of social, technological, tourism and agricultural ventures.


As a member of Grupo Enfoque RG de México, he develops content for workshops and training events aligned to entrepreneurship, agile project management, gamification, creativity and strategies in real time.


México Partner Brain Book®

VUCA is an Anglo-Saxon acronym that began to be used in the second half of the twentieth century to refer to the characteristics of the new international order: Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. Currently, it is used to describe the environment of permanent change and uncertainty that organizations face.


We conceive VUCA contexts as an opportunity for growth, learning and continuous improvement of organizations and people.

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